there will be differences in the difference between hand-云顶国际yd

issuing time:2016-11-30 14:35

different varieties of tea, the difference in hand-made tea or mechanical tea will be different.

the higher the uniformity of the material, the higher the suitability of mechanical teamaking - asexual cutting cultivation, strong manual intervention (fertilizer, pesticides, growth hormone, etc.), the same batch of materials picked together, can be used in mechanical tea making parameter settings. however, the seedlings of wild or weak artificial intervention (artificial weeding), because of the growth environment and the variation of the tea tree itself, so that the materials are not high at all, small batches of handmade tea can be seen as tea, and the material may be endogenous. the manifestation is more complete.

it is said that it is tian ji’s horse racing, and it is because of doubts about the setting of its own needs and the comparison policy. the same is handmade tea / mechanical tea, there can be different levels of difference inside.

in terms of today's experience, the biggest benefit of mechanical tea is still in mass production. if the material is as good as it is, the quality of hand-made tea is now due to mechanical teamaking – pay attention to the best of the two. there can be no logical games like horses. with the advancement of skills, relying on the distance between mechanical tea and hand-made tea (the highest level of contrast between the two) will be closer and closer, as to whether it can catch up with and even pass, can only be confirmed by examples.

article classification: 新闻动态
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